Never hear ‘I’m bored’ again with this bumper list of indoor boredom buster activities, perfect for children large and small. Some are so much fun, you’ll even want to get involved yourself!
Make an indoor scavenger hunt. Pinterest has plenty of great lists to work from, or you can come up with your own.
Host a home movie marathon (pyjamas and popcorn compulsory).
Watch home movies or go through your old photos – the children will love it just as much as you do.
Draw a chalk ‘tennis court’ on your driveway and pull out your old rackets (or borrow some from friends). No rackets? Handball is your best bet.
If you don’t have a driveway, masking tape on the floor works just as well!
Build a cubby house with blankets and chairs.
Make a DIY putt putt course in your backyard or living room.
Put on a LEGO competition to see who can produce the best build.
Enjoy a picnic dinner outside, or on the floor indoors.
Find a pen pal using one of the many pen pal networks out there.
Attempt a science experiment using items in your pantry.
Have a games night.
Learn something new – it could be a language, a card game or a craft activity.
Declutter, but make a game out of it.
Make vision boards or goal collages out of old magazines.
Bake or cook something delicious.
Teach your children the games you used to play as a child.
Save water from your showers for a backyard water fight.
Throw your own disco.
Make nature-inspired crafts with items found in your backyard.
Pull out the pens and paints to get crafty indoors – Pinterest offers thousands of ideas.
Make a movie! Your smartphone offers plenty of apps to make it a Hollywood hit.
Write your own book – better yet, make it a series!
Play dress ups or put on a fashion show.
Make an ‘I’m bored’ jar with the items on this list written on separate pieces of paper. Every time you hear the words, make them pull an idea out of the jar.