During self-isolation why not give this list of classic indoor games a try – they’re all sure to make a massive comeback!
Finger strings
One piece of string, so many possibilities. Do names like ‘Cat’s cradle’, ‘Cup and saucer’ or ‘Harbour Bridge’ ring a bell? If not, it’s time to do some Googling about your (um, we mean your children’s) soon-to-be-newest obsession: finger strings! All you need is a piece of string, long enough to be tied together at each end to create a loop. Then, do a bit of research into the different shapes you can create with your finger string and get practising. Learn how one shape can be transformed into another, race each other to see who can make their shape the fastest, or get creative coming up with a shape of your very own. The possibilities are endless – and it’s an especially great game for the little ones and their fine motor skills.
This is one game that has entertained children for thousands – yes, thousands – of years, so it’s certainly due for a comeback. While it was originally played with bits of lamb shank (true story!), since the invention of plastic we’ve had access to far less grotesque Knuckles. The rules? They’re not exactly easy to explain – but they make a lot of sense when you see how it’s done. This video helps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjmStkQzxwU&t=149s. And again, a good little game to help fine motor skills.
No, we’re not talking about the pizza – do you know how to properly play the game? Each player has seven dominoes, which no one else can see. The first player lays one tile, and the second player must match up one of their tiles with the number of spots on either end of the first-played tile. If you don’t have a domino that you can match up, you draw a new one from the ‘stock pile’ until you can play one of them. The aim of the game is to be the first person to play all of their dominoes, like ‘Uno’, for example. A great game to help little ones learn their counting.
It’s a high intensity game of chance, and it makes for plenty of wholesome family fun. We’re not going to lie – it’s tough to explain the rules of Yahtzee, and it’s best to try a few practice rounds to get the hang of it. Even then, every Yahtzee-loving family will have their own variations on this game. This article explains one version a lot better than we can: https://www.wikihow.com/Play-Yahtzee
Card games
A deck of cards provides endless fun, particularly on school holidays. There are so many different games to play that will suit every age group. Teach your children Solitaire or ‘Streets and Alleys’ if they’re playing solo or get the whole family in on a classic game like ‘Crazy Eights’, ‘Cheat’ or ‘Snap’.
Clapping games
Remember the days when “My Aunty Anna plays the piano 24 hours a day, split!” would ring out through the playground? Teach your children some of the clapping games you played as a child and watch as they practice them with one another, or their friends. There are so many to try! A quick Google will help you recall some of the lyrics that you probably haven’t thought about since primary school, making this one a fun activity for your children and a walk down memory lane for you!