It’s the perfect time to hibernate at home. And one thing that is sure to keep the children entertained is baking! This activity combines creativity with messy play (yep, there’s going to be a mess but it’s all for the greater good!) and sprinkles a little bit of lifelong education on top. Perfect.
If you are looking for some easy baking recipes to try your hand at, with the children, look no further than this list. Your tummies will be thanking us:
Well Nourished
We love wellness blogger Georgia Harding’s approach to cooking. As a mum of two, as well as a naturopath/nutritionist, she’s well placed to provide yummo recipes that your children will love eating as much as they love making.
Organised Housewife
Another influencer with a truly relatable household is Gold Coast-based The Organised Housewife. Blogger Kat is raising three kids and offers loads of great baking ideas on her website that are as kid-friendly as they are delish! Her ‘breads’ section of the website is filled with great school holiday treats.
Create Bake Make
Lauren from Create Bake Make admits that her life is “pretty chaotic” – she’s looking after three kids while pursuing a career in freelance recipe development, writing and building a social media community. Lauren uses ingredients that are readily available and provides recipes that are simple to make, even with the children ‘helping’ you – tick, tick, tick!